Accudemia: How can I limit the available courses based on the service selected by students for appointments and walk-ins?
Associations between services and subject areas can be created in Accudemia. For example, if a student has selected the "Math Tutoring" service when creating an appointment then they will only see the subject areas or courses ("College Algebra", "Statistics", "Calculus", etc.) that are offered under this service. This article will explain how to set up these associations between services and subject areas/courses.
1. Log in as an admin and navigate to the Administration > Restrictions section from the main menu.
2. Click the Subject Area Restrictions button.

3. Create a new association by clicking the + New Association button.

Note: Associations can also be deleted here by checking the checkbox beside an association and then pressing the red button with the trashcan icon that appears.
4. First search for an existing service and select it. Then find as many subject areas/courses as needed clicking on each one to add it. And then click the Save Changes button at the top.
5. Finally, if restrictions are not already active, enable them by clicking the Enable Restrictions button next to the + New Association button.

Tip: Restrictions are enabled when the red "Disable Restrictions" link is visible. If the green "Enable Restrictions" link is visible then this means that restrictions are not currently enabled.