Accudemia: How do I assign specific subject areas to existing and new tutors?
In Accudemia, tutors can be assigned to specific subject areas that they can assist with at the center. The tutors will then show up as available for students who require help in those specific subject areas when they are scheduling appointments or doing a walk-in visit at the Center. This article will explain how to edit an existing tutor's account to change or update their subject areas and how to set up a brand new tutor account in the process.
Existing User
1. From the main menu, navigate to Administration > User Accounts section.
2. Search for the user by clicking the "Only" link next to the "Tutors" option on the search menu on the left-side of the screen. This will show you only existing Tutors.
3. Select the checkbox of the desired tutor, then click the Assignments button.
4. Choose from the following options in the "What do you want to do with assignments?" popup screen.
- Edit (tutor)'s assignments manually - Manually assign subject areas to the tutor. Remember to click Save Changes when finished with this.
- Copy Assignments from other term - If the tutor has worked with the college in the previous term, this option copies the subject areas from that term and pastes them onto the current one.
- Import assignments from a different source - Import subject area assignments from a CSV file. For more information on the ADX Imports and Exports, click here.

Create New Account
1. From the main menu, navigate to Administration > User Accounts section.
1. Click the + New Account button on the "User Accounts" page.
2. First complete the information (First name, Last name, Email) on the "General" tab. Now select the "Security" tab, set their User ID, optionally give them a password, and then check the "Tutor" role checkbox.
3. Click the "Tutor Assignments" tab that just appeared to uncheck the "Tutor is assigned to all subject areas" box if they will tutor only specific courses.
4. If they are helping with specific courses then you should now be able to select a term, choose the subject areas this new tutor should work in, then click Save Changes.