Accudemia: How do I alter the ID Mask to control how users create their User ID's for logging in?

Accudemia: How do I alter the ID Mask to control how users create their User ID's for logging in?


Accudemia allows administrators with the correct permissions to change their college's "ID Mask." An ID Mask is the restriction set on a user's User ID for logging in. The college can allow users to create any User ID they like by leaving this blank. Setting up this User ID format forces student User ID's to be setup as they are normally formatted for the school.  For instance, if the User ID is their first initial, last initial, followed by 6 numbers, it may look something like SJ256719.  An administrator can create any specific ID Mask the college requires.  The Accudemia system defaults to only allowing 9 numbers in a SSN format style format for a User ID, but this article will explain how to alter it.  We recommend setting this up so that the users can only enter the approved format when creating or importing the users.


1. Navigate to Administration > Control Panel on the home page.

2. Select "User Accounts."

3. Enter a unique User ID Mask under "Account Information."

Accudemia will only recognize specific characters in this textbox. For example, "9" will represent any number, and "#" represents any numbers and spaces. This means if the User ID Mask is set to "9999" then every user's Login User ID will have to be 4 numbers long. Alternatively, if the User ID Mask is set to "LL9999" then every user's Login User ID will have to be 2 letters followed by 4 numbers (Note: If you use dashes then users won't have to type the dash as the dashes will automatically appear on the login screen.). A list of characters Accudemia will accept is provided below.

  • 9 = represents any number (0-9)
  • L = represents any letter (A-Z)
  • $ = represents any letter and blanks/spaces
  • # = represents any number and blanks/spaces
  • C = represents custom characters (see note below)
  • A = represents any letter and custom (see note below)
  • N = represents any number and custom (see note below)
  • ? = represents any digit and blanks/spaces 
  • These custom characters are accepted: dash (-), period (.), comma (,), slash (/), and backslash (\)

Further examples of ID Masks can be found in the image below.

For more detailed information on ID Masks and other user account details, follow the link.

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