Accudemia: How do I allow my tutors to sign-in themselves in remotely when they are working virtually to record their hours?

Accudemia: How do I allow my tutors to sign-in themselves in remotely when they are working virtually to record their hours?


In this guide, you'll learn how Accudemia can be set up to allow your Tutors to clock in and clock out using the remote sign-in options we have available.  Using this option,  will allow them to sign in and record their time while working on-site or online.

Additionally, you can make them choose from tasks that they are working on for this sign-in period whether working remotely or at the Center.  A link will be provided at the end of this guide that shows you how to enable the task selection.


STEP 1: Navigate to the Administration > Control Panel from the main menu.

STEP 2: Next select the User Accounts section and scroll to the Restrictions module.

STEP 3: In the Restrictions, select the checkbox so that "Tutors can sign themselves in and out from any screen."

STEP 4: Scroll to the top to click the Save Changes button.

Next, you need to ensure the tutors follow these steps:
  1. Log in as a tutor in Accudemia:

  2. Now once logged into their Accudemia account they will click their name and Sign-in to Location to simply select the center and Sign-in:
  3. Click Sign-in and done!  Repeat the steps to sign out.
But if you would also like to have your Tutor select a "task" in addition to the Center then visit this guide: