Accudemia: How do I add/remove services to centers?

Accudemia: How do I add/remove services to centers?


Accudemia allows administrators to customize the types of services that centers offer, like "Face-to-face tutoring", "Virtual Tutoring", "Study Hall", etc.. This article explains how to add or disable services assigned to a center.

NOTE: Services are available to all students, so be sure to only create services that should be available to everyone.  Services can be restricted to only show certain Subject Areas/Courses that a student is registered to in the system. Click here to learn more about this feature.


1. Navigate to Administration > Campus Setup > Locations section from the main menu in Accudemia.

2. Use the filters on the left side of the screen to find the center, then click on its name in the list.

3. While editing the Center, select the "Services" tab, and then click the + Add button to add a new service.

NOTE:  You can edit an existing services to change their modalities or other options by searching for them and clicking on their name.

4. Enter the desired Service(s) to be added, then click the Accept button.

5. Click the Save Changes button when finished to add/remove the services from the center.