Accudemia: How do I add additional buttons on the Sign-in Station/Kiosk?

Accudemia: How do I add additional buttons on the Sign-in Station/Kiosk?


The Sign-in Station/Kiosk can be configured to show up to 6 buttons such as options that allows anyone to see which students or tutors are currently logged-in, allow them to add themselves to Accudemia as a new student and more.  By default, all buttons are enabled so we explain in this article how to disable or enable these options.


1. On the main menu, navigate to Administration > Control Panel section.  An once in the Control Panel click the General option.

2. Select either the entire college or a specific Center as the scope, then click View Settings.

3. Click "Sign In Station Options" on the left side of the screen.

4. Enable any or all of the features you want to display on the Sign-in Station. Then scroll up to the top of this page, and click the Save Changes button.