Accudemia: How do I add a schedule for a tutor?

Accudemia: How do I add a schedule for a tutor?

1. Log into Accudemia.

2. Click Center Attendance.

3. Click Tutors Schedule.

4. Choose the Center.

5. Choose the Edit Mode. There are three modes available:

Merged Mode: This is a combination of the Term Mode and Exceptions Only. To edit the schedule in this mode you have to choose the week which you are going to edit. Additionally you have the option to display appointments. You cannot edit dates in the past while using this calendar edit mode.

Term Mode: This is the default calendar edit mode. In this mode you are allowed to edit the Tutor's Availability for the entire Term/Semester. This is like their regular work week. Use Term mode to select the Term/Semester which your tutor's availability. You can schedule as Available, Not Available, Not Working and Cleared using the Event Information.

Exceptions Only: This mode allows you to edit the Tutor's Schedule by setting exceptions to their normal schedule like off-time needed on specific dates. You cannot edit dates in the past while using this calendar edit mode.

6. Choose the tutor to edit.

7. If in Semester Mode, choose the semester to edit. If in Exceptions Mode or Merged Mode, choose the week to edit.

8. Click Apply Filters.

9. To add a schedule, click and drag the mouse over the desired time blocks in the schedule.

10. A pop-up box will appear. Choose if the tutor will be available, not available or not working during that time. Click Save.

11. The time will appear on the tutor's schedule. The following labels will visually indicate how a given time block is scheduled at the selected center/other centers.

 - Green (solid): available/working at the center

- Red (solid): not available/not working at the center

- Green (crosshatch): available/working at the center outside of the normal schedule (for instance if a tutor normally works on Mondays and Wednesday, but on a specific date they will also be working on a Friday)

- Red (crosshatch): not available/not working at the center outside of the normal schedule (for instance if a tutor normally works on Mondays and Wednesday, but on a specific date they won't be working on a Monday)

- White: not currently scheduled

- Gray (crosshatch): time that is specifically scheduled as "off-time" and thus not available to work

- Maroon: time when the tutor is scheduled to work in a different center

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