Accudemia: How can I send a message to a group of users with a specific role?

Accudemia: How can I send a message to a group of users with a specific role?


This article covers a lot of steps that need to be set up in Accudemia so that you can send a message to a group of users that all have the same role.  Some of these steps are simple settings changes while others require a little more work to be able to use the group.  Note that there are easier ways to create groups in Accudemia but this is the most efficient way if you don't already have a list of the users in a CSV file.


1. Setting up Communications in Accudemia

  1. Login to Accudemia with your Admin credentials.

  2. From the main menu, navigate to the Administration > Control Panel.  Once there click the User Accounts section.

  3. Now on the left-side menu, click the Communications link to be taken down to that section.

  4. In this section, at least select the option to "Enable messaging" to be able to send emails to users and groups.

  5. Click the up arrow icon in the bottom-right to scroll all the way to the top and then click the Save Changes button.

2. Setting up User Groups in Accudemia based on an existing Role

  1. Login to Accudemia as an Admin (if not already).

  2. From the main menu, click on the User Accounts section.

  3. Next, on the left-side menu, filter on the role you want to create a user group out of in Accudemia:

  4. Now the list of users should only include those designated as Instructors, for instance, in Accudemia so you can click the quick export button at the bottom of this list/screen:

  5. Once the group of "Instructors" is exported to a CSV file you'll want to import them as a user group in Accudemia.  You'll need to open it up and delete all columns except for the "PersonNumber" column.

  6. Once deleted, add a column with the heading "UserGroupName" or similar, and in the data simply give them a name like "Instructors".  This is what this will look like in Accudemia:

  7. Save the file as a CSV again and rename it if needed.

  8. From the main menu, navigate to the Administration > Advanced > Import section.

  9. Download and Install the ADX Import Utility using the first button on the left side of this screen.

  10. Once installed, start by creating a new import job:

  11. And map the import file to the mappings of "Instructor's User ID" and "User Group Name".  This is what this will look like in Accudemia Data eXchange:

  12. Click next several times until you have to name the import job something like "Instructors Group Import" and click Finish to save the import job.
    NOTE:  If you plan on updating this group regularly then you may want to select this option on the User Groups tab of the Import Behaviors section:

  13. Then click the View Details link on the import job listed in the left-side column:

  14. Finally, in the middle section, click the Run Job Now! link.

3. Send a message to your users!

The final step would be to now use the communications bar at the bottom of the screen to send a message to all of the Instructors.  More information about how to do this is located here:


In the end, you'll now be able to send messages to this group of users with this role and even be able to quickly filter them out on many of the reports in Accudemia since you've created them as a User Group.  User Groups primarily were created for reporting purposes but, as we can see here, can be made as a way to communicate with a specific group of users.  I hope you have found this tip to be informative and it helps you manage your center.