Accudemia: How can I remove all inactive students from my account permanently?

Accudemia: How can I remove all inactive students from my account permanently?


In this article, we hope to show you how to selectively remove only inactive students from your account if you do not want them in the system any longer.  This topic is for advanced users only because if this process is not taken seriously and performed meticulously then you could delete Session Logs and Appointment data that you did not intend to remove.


Warning! Please follow this article to see how to pull any exports of all data you may need to keep before performing any mass deletion operations.
  1. Start by logging into Accudemia with your Admin login credentials if not already logged in.

  2. Now, click on the Administration > User Management > Users section from the main menu in Accudemia.

  3. Once there, use the left-side filters to show only "Students" that are "Inactive".

  4. Now we need to show more than 15 records per page to make this process complete quickly. At the bottom of the list of students click on the "Show XX rows" dropdown and set it to the maximum of "Show 100 rows" like this:

  5. Next click on the checkbox to the left of the "Show 100 rows" dropdown to select the first 100 records and click the next button on the far right. As you select more of the available users it will show the count of selected users at the bottom of the list in bold:

  6. Repeat the previous step until all inactive students are selected.
    NOTE: There is no "select all" option to not allow for easy access to accidental deletion of students/users.

  7. Once they are all selected, scroll to the top of the page, and click the Delete button:

  8. A final confirmation will be required warning you of the potential data loss in unintended areas of the system, be sure that you have selected the correct group of students/users, and then click Yes to proceed.

Important! This process may take a while to remove them but slowly you will see all the inactive students disappear from the system.
Warning! We are not responsible for any data loss from performing these steps and you may be required to pay extra fees to recover data lost during this process.


Once completed you should have only Active students in your Accudemia account, and those other inactive students should no longer be able to access the system or have any of their information stored in your institution's Accudemia account.