Accudemia: How can I keep the swipes from iAccu in constant sync with my account so the are showing up immediately in my account?

Accudemia: How can I keep the swipes from iAccu in constant sync with my account so the are showing up immediately in my account?

First you need to ensure that the iPad can access the http://<mycollege> website and if the iPad does not display the Wi-Fi  signal icon then you'll need to connect to a good Wi-Fi connection.

NOTE:  The iPad will need to maintain a constant Internet connection in order to send swipes in "real-time" to the Accudemia system.

In addition, you need to enable the Swipe live upload option, if not already enabled by default.  Here's how:
  1. Open the app and tap Settings.

    NOTE: If you see the warning "Manual Sync Required" this probably means that the device has not been synced recently.
  2. Now click Sync Settings.

  3. Finally ensure that the Live Swipe Upload option is toggled to the enabled position (green color).