Accudemia: How can I tell if my import was successfully loaded into Accudemia?

Accudemia: How can I tell if my import was successfully loaded into Accudemia?


In this guide we will show you how to check if the imports from ADX have reached the Accudemia server and if there were any errors received when they were uploaded.


Check Accudemia Import Server Execution Logs from ADX:
1. Log into ADX.

2. From the file menu select the Tools > View Execution Status on the Server option.

3. A page showing all the most recently received files and execution history should show of what we received from your server.

Check Accudemia Import Server Execution Logs from the browser:
1. Log into your Accudemia account (https://<mycollege>

2. From the main menu in Accudemia click on the Administration> Advanced > Import option.

3. Finally to get to the list of jobs the Accudemia server has received you'll click the red "View Server Execution Status" button.

4. A page showing all the most recently received files and execution history should show of what we received from your server.


If you do not see any imports "Completed" in this section then you have to check if there is something blocking the imports from your server or computer using ADX.  It could also be one of several options outlined in the Accudemia Import Documentation - Troubleshooting section.