Accudemia - How do I remove the Instructor selection requirement for my walk-ins and appointments?

Accudemia - How do I remove the Instructor selection requirement for my walk-ins and appointments?


We understand the need to make the sign-in process easier for students and therefore this may seem like a good option at first.  Just proceed with caution, as this may also remove some of the reporting options available to you later since the Session Logs themselves will not include the Instructor information for the student's class associated on the sign-in log.  This means you'll have to pull "class-specific" visit reports (that query student enrollment/registration) instead of choosing all visit reports if you want the instructor's information included.  This also limits your ability to report to the instructors since they cannot be easily filtered in the session logs information.



To disable this Instructor selection setting for walk-ins you should do the following:
  1. Login to Accudemia with your admin credentials and navigate to Administration > Control Panel.

  2. From the Control Panel section click Walk-ins > (Select your Center) and then click View Settings.

  3. Once in the Walk-ins settings, scroll down to the Instructor section to set the "Selection" option to "Do Not Show".
    IMPORTANT! If you have the Selection Path option enabled with the checkbox selected, in the section at the top of this page, then you'll also need to click the Configure Selection Path button to ensure that these settings do not include the option to show the "Instructor" option in any of the selection paths:

    If any of these selection paths have the "Instructor" selection set then for those Services specifically it will still require them to select an instructor regardless of the setting mentioned in this step:
    Warning! If you are using the Selection Paths option in Walk-ins settings, it will still be affected by using  the "Do not show" option in the main section.  This would be considered a misconfiguration because regardless of what is set in the Selection Paths options, it will not be displayed. Instead, these should only ever be configured to "Required" or "Optional" if you are using the Selection Paths for each Service.  You can think of these settings as "IF this option is shown in the Selection Path for this Service make it Required or Optional."

  4. Make sure to click the Save Changes button at the top of the page to complete this process.


To disable the Instructor selection setting for appointments do the following:
  1. Login to Accudemia with your admin credentials.

  2. From the left-side navigation under the Administration section click the Control Panel > Appointments > (Select your Center) and then click View Settings.

  3. Once in the Appointments settings, scroll down to the Instructor section to set the "Selection" option to "Do Not Show".

  4. Make sure to click the Save Changes button at the top of the page to complete this process.


After following the steps outlined in this guide you will have shortened the sign-in or appointment scheduling process but have limited the reporting capabilities you have available as an Admin.