Accudemia: How do I setup a single computer Sign-in Station to only collect Sign-ins and Sign-outs when we normally ask for more info from Students?
There's not really a way to setup a normal PC sign-in station in
this manner without affecting all of the other Sign-in Stations. The
only options are (1) Creating a fixed PC Sign-in Station where you
pre-select all the options (which could be made-up/fake items that are used
just to track from this computer) or (2) Use the iAccu app (if you have
an available license) where the Tutor scans in the Student because each
iAccu device can have it's own unique "Walk-in Settings" setup in the settings. Typically every
account has 1 trial license to this app so if you go to Administration > Sign-in Stations > iAccu and
don't see any devices listed you can probably download this app and try
it out. Here's some information about how to setup either option:
- Option 1 -
Accudemia Documentation - Create a Fake Subject Area and Assign an Instructor
(If the normal process has them select this item you'll
need to create a fake one that all students can use on this fixed
Accudemia Documentation - Create a Fake Tutor
(If the normal process has them select this item you'll
need to create a fake one that all students can use on this fixed
Accudemia Documentation - Setup a Fixed Sign-in Station
- Option 2 -
iAccu Documentation
NOTE: If you need to purchase an additional license in order to use iAccu please contact us at