Accudemia: What to do if your ADX (Accudemia Data eXchange) does not have your stored import job or export jobs?
Once ADX has been updated, if you open ADX and find the import jobs have disappeared then you can follow this guide to recover them:
On the machine where you have ADX currently installed and configured press the Windows Logo key + R to open the run dialog box.

Note: The %username% will be automatically replaced with the name of the Windows User Account you're logged into the PC currently.
You'll notice inside this folder there will be a uniquely-numbered folder for the ADX installation. Navigate 2 folders deeper to another "data" folder.
Look for the folder with the older date in the properties. Search for and locate a file labeled APPLICATION.FDB inside the subfolders of the older-dated uniquely-numbered folder.

In the older-dated folder, now select the "APPLICATION.FDB" file, right-click it, and select Copy.
Navigate back to the 2 unique-numbered folders, find the latest one created, open it until you find the "data" folder, and Paste this file to overwrite the APPLICATION.FDB file in that newer folder.