AccuClass Instructor: How can I add a reason for my student leaving early or arriving late to class?
This guide will help you find out where to go to add notes to a student's attendance logs when they have any exception to their status.
To add a reason for students leaving early, arriving late or any other reason one can add notes to their attendance. To do this follow the steps below:
2. From the Home Screen click the Roll Call option under the Attendance section.
3. From the Roll call menu, choose a Date, then pick from the available Class Sessions for that date, and click the Roll Call button.
4. On this Roll Call screen if you want to add a note to a Student that swiped out during the class session click the Add Notes link
on the end of their record as shown below:
5. Now you'll be able to add any information about that student's session you want to note.
6. When done simply click off the textbox or hit enter to have it display on the Student's Roll Call for that day. This should also be available for reporting later as well.
If you need to change the note you can simply click on it again and update it.
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