AccuCampus How to prevent multiple beacons in silent mode to record wrong data?

AccuCampus How to prevent multiple beacons in silent mode to record wrong data?


In AccuCampus we can use beacons to allow students to sign-in via the mobile app and can be used for centers, classrooms, or events. They are especially ideal for situations where there isn’t the ability to set up a traditional sign-in station, such as multi-entry locations or events, you can also use them to silently track information. However, if we use multiple beacons and our locations are in close proximity there can be issues especially when using the beacons for "silent tracking" since multiple beacons could be listened to by our devices thus creating duplicated information incorrectly, in this article we describe a workaround this issue. 


To minimize the problem we need to lower the transmission power to the minimum working power since at higher settings and close proximity several devices could be picked by the users devices instead of only the beacon for a specific location the users is at, this could create duplicated information (as if you were visiting several locations, not just one), go to Advanced-Options--> Settings--> Beacons, go to the list of beacons, and edit these ones we are having issues with, and lower the transmission power to the prior value you were using until now, for example, if you had been using 88 feet set it to 72 feet.

Save all and do the same with each beacon that is in close proximity, now try moving close to each location where the beacons are and see the results,  if you still have the same issue, you can keep on lowering the transmission power some more depending on your specific conditions and how close the locations are.

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