Either you fail or succeed you will see messages referring to the outcome and the right and wrong options:
A final scoreboard is also shown:
All participants log in to the AccuCampus APP and go to the quizzes section:
3.1 -One participant selects a quiz from the list(for this example the “Birds Quiz”):
3.2 -Select the"Challenge mode".
-Click “Create”:
3.7Here you can see the PIN that you need to send to other players to join the challenge(highlighted in green):
3.8-Each player clicks on "JOIN"
3.9-Now each user will start answering the questions and the system will show the scoreboard:
Follow the same procedure to select a quiz from the list, click “Learn” and now select “Host Mode”:
Configure the Audience: Everyone, Group, or Course(if you select Group or Course an additional option will ask you to search/select from a list). Select the Scoreboard: select when do you want to show the scoreboard: In the end, After each question, Never. Choose Public if you want the scoreboard to show other user's scores, otherwise choose private.
4.1 -Now you have access to the PIN to be delivered to each participant.
4.2 Each user goes to the Quizzes--> Play with PIN menu and type the PIN.
4.3-Click start so all participants can start seeing/responding to the questions, on the host machine you can see the questions that are been displayed:
4.4-Participants will start answering the questions and you will get a scoreboard usually at the end(or when it was configured):