AccuCampus- How to play quizzes in the App?

AccuCampus- How to play quizzes in the App?


In the AccuCampus APP for both Android and IOS, you can find a section "Quizzes", here you can create and play with quizzes, in this article we are describing how to choose the different play modes and how to play. 



You would need a device running Android or IOS operating systems.
Your device must be connected to the internet. 
You would need to have an account in AccuCampus and permissions to create quizzes, if in doubts please ask your administrators.
You would need to have created the quiz or have access to public quizzes from other users, see more here:

1-Go to the “Quizzes” section of the app and select the “Quizzes” menu.

Now select the quiz from the list, now you can specify “Play”.


2-Play in Single-Mode:

If you choose “Play” you will be the only participant, some questions will show and have the option to select one or many of the responses in a certain amount of time: See this screenshot as an example:

Either you fail or succeed you will see messages referring to the outcome and the right and wrong options:


A final scoreboard is also shown:

3-Multiplayer- Challenge Mode

All participants log in to the AccuCampus APP and go to the quizzes section:

3.1 -One participant selects a quiz from the list(for this example the “Birds Quiz”):

3.2 -Select the"Challenge mode".

3.3Configure the Audience: Everyone, Group, or Course(if you select Group or Course an additional option will ask you to search/select from a list)
3.4-Select the availability: This is the range from StartTimeto EndTime that the challenge will be available for.
3.5-Select the Scoreboard: select when do you want to show the scoreboard: In the end, After each question, Never.
3.6 -Choose “Public” if you want the scoreboard to show other user's scores, otherwise choose “Private” to keep this information limited to the owner.

-Click “Create”:

3.7Here you can see the PIN that you need to send to other players to join the challenge(highlighted in green):

After sending the PIN to other participants they will have to use te Quizzes->Play with PIN option: 

3.8-Each player clicks on "JOIN"

3.9-Now each user will start answering the questions and the system will show the scoreboard:

4-Multiplayer- Host Mode

Follow the same procedure to select a quiz from the list, click “Learn” and now select “Host Mode”:

Configure the Audience: Everyone, Group, or Course(if you select Group or Course an additional option will ask you to search/select from a list). Select the Scoreboard: select when do you want to show the scoreboard: In the end, After each question, Never. Choose Public if you want the scoreboard to show other user's scores, otherwise choose private.

4.1 -Now you have access to the PIN to be delivered to each participant.

4.2 Each user goes to the Quizzes--> Play with PIN menu and type the PIN.

As users join you see a list like this, whenever ready click “Start”:

4.3-Click start so all participants can start seeing/responding to the questions, on the host machine you can see the questions that are been displayed:

4.4-Participants will start answering the questions and you will get a scoreboard usually at the end(or when it was configured):

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