in AccuCampus administrators can create custom surveys that can be shown to users when they sign-out from a multi-step kiosk sign-in station. In this article, we review the process.
To create a new Survey click the "Create new" button, to edit an existing Survey click the name of it.
Name - This is a unique identifier for this Survey.
Description - This is the description of the Survey.
Start date - This is the start date for this Survey to be active.
End date - This is the end date for this Survey to be active.
Roles with access - This specifies the roles that will have access to change the Survey.
Only users with scope - This specifies additionally the Scope that the user must have, select a location from the list.
Survey Design
This section allows the admin to design the actual Survey displayed to the Users. A Survey can have multiple questions, so it gives you the option to add or delete questions while adding multiple response types. Please add a field and you will be able to move it up and down and see the properties as needed.
A Survey can have many different fields, such as:
Text - This adds a Text-box to the Survey, you would need to enter a Unique ID, Caption, Explanation text, and specify if it will be required or not.
Multiple choice - This adds multiple-choice questions/options to the Survey, you would need to enter a Unique ID, Caption, Explanation text, specify if it will be required or not, and put Key-value pairs where it must be specified as 'safe_key|Some readable option'.
Checkbox- This adds a Checkbox to the Survey, you would need to enter a Unique ID, Caption, and Explanation text.
Section Header- This adds a Section Header to the Survey, you would need to enter a Unique ID, Caption, and Explanation text.