AccuCampus: How do I access my virtual appointments in AccuCampus?

AccuCampus: How do I access my virtual appointments in AccuCampus?


This article explains the different ways Users can gain access their virtual appointments in AccuCampus, as well as offering a troubleshooting guide.


1. Using the Appointments list page

Click on Appointments > View All

From the Appointments list, select the upcoming virtual appointment.  Then click on the "More Actions" menu to the right of the Appointment and select "Virtual Sign-in."

A screen will appear with the details of the appointment, as well as a Sign-In button if the Tutor is ready.

A final screen informing the User to click the Join Session button will then appear. This will direct the User to their virtual session to receive assistance.

2. Using the Upcoming Appointments widget in the AccuCampus Home Page

If AccuCampus was configured with a widget called "Upcoming Appointment " in the Home Page (this is regularly the case), then Users can go to that widget and see information about their appointments. For virtual appointments that are about take place, a Virtual Sign-in button will appear to grant access to the appointment.

From here, follow the Virtual Sign-In instructions in Step 1.

It is likely that Users will receive notifications for upcoming virtual appointments. In those notifications, a link is usually provided so that they have quick access to the appointment. The link will appear similar to the one below.

After clicking the link, AccuCampus will authenticate the User if needed, before directing them to the Virtual Sign-In screen in Step 1.

 When clicking to join a virtual appointment, the system may say that it's too early to join.

Depending on the configuration set by Administrators, there is a defined time for when students are allowed to join. Usually that time is between 5 and 15 minutes, but it can be set to be more or less. Check the appointment time and try again to access it closer to the start time.

If the Sign-In button is not present, talk to a Tutor or Administrator.