In the AccuCampus APP for IOS, you have access to create and use quizzes, in this article we are reviewing how to create quizzes in details.
1-Open the AccuCampus APP and go to the Quizzes section, to see all of them click on "Quizzes":
2- In the Quizzes list you have the option to see the Quizzes you have built by clicking "Mine", you can see all the quizzes that you have ever worked with if you click the "All" option, or you can see all publicly available quizzes if you click the "Search " option, all these options are located at the bottom of the quizzes list:
3- To edit an existing quiz click on the name in the list and then click on the three dots at the bottom to access the "Edit", "Remove" and "Visibility" options:
4-To create a "New Quiz Screen" OR "edit" a quiz already created you would need to follow the same steps(the edition will come with pre-loaded data):
Set a name and description for the quiz, then under category click the + sign to either create a new category or select one that is currently active in the system(you might need extra permissions to create a new category).
5-For this example, we are creating a new category called "U.S Modern History", click on Done when you are finished:
6-Now that all the basic information for the quiz is complete we need to start adding as many questions as we want by clicking "Add question":
7-For the question page, we start by :
-Add the question at the top.
-Add an image if you like in reference to the question (this is optional and it is highlighted in green in the next screenshot).
-Set the time limit that the user has to answer.
-Set the selection mode between Single or Multiple:
-Click on at least 2 and a maximum of 4 possible answers and assign a value to each one and an explanation OR click on "answer with an image" to attach an image which will work as a response to the question (depending on the question), the options that are valid answers need to be marked as such:
8-In order to test the quiz in "Study Mode" go to the Quizzes section of the app and quick "Quizzes", now select the quiz from the list, choose "Study" :
If you choose "Study" you will see the question and have the option to "Study Again" to re-stack the cards, "Flip Card" to see the response, click "Got it" to move to the next Card, you can also drag the card to the left or right to keep it for later and continue asking the next question, or drag it up to signal you "got it" :
9-In order to test/use the quiz in "Play Mode" go to the "Quizzes" section of the app and quick "Quizzes", now select the quiz from the list, now you can specify "Play" :
If you choose "Play" you will see the question and have the option to select one or many of the responses in a certain amount of time:
Either you fail or succeed you will see messages referring to the outcome and the right and wrong options:
There is a final scoreboard shown: