In the AccuCampus App, there are fun and effective ways to learn by using quizzes, these quizzes can be configured to be played as a single-player or multiplayer, in this article we explain how the process takes places and what configuration is needed.
1- Login to the AccuCampus APP and go to the quizzes section:
Select a quiz from the list:
Click on the "Learn" link at the bottom:
In the "Study" section, you can click on AccuCards to see each card and practice to start answering the question as a practice run, in the "Play" section you can choose "Single Mode" to run the questions for your, for multimode play click on "Challenge" or "Host" so you can configure the multimode process as explained in next chapter:
Multiplayer- Challenge Mode
-Select the Challenge mode to configure the Audience: Everyone, Group, or Course(if you select Group or Course an additional option will ask you to search/select from a list)
-Select the availability: This is the range from StartTimeto EndTime that the challenge will be available for.
-Select the Scoreboard: select when do you want to show the scoreboard: At the end, After each question, Never. Choose Public if you want the scoreboard to show other user's score, otherwise choose private.
-Click "Create":
Here you can see the PIN that you need to send to other players to join the challenge:
Now that PIN allows others to join and start the challenge:
Each player uses the PIN:
Now each user will start answering the questions and the system will show the scoreboard
Multiplayer- Host Mode
-Select the Host Mode to configure the Audience: Everyone, Group, or Course(if you select Group or Course an additional option will ask you to search/select from a list)
-Select the Scoreboard: select when do you want to show the scoreboard: In the end, After each question, Never. Choose Public if you want the scoreboard to show other user's scores, otherwise choose private.
Now you have access to the PIN to be used to start the Host Mode play:
As users join you see a list like this, whenever ready click "Start":
Participants will start answering the questions, while they do that in the host device you can see this msg:
you will get a scoreboard usually at the end(or when it was configured) :