Accudemia: how do I set the exact course I am tracking in the iAccu app?
You can lock the session information you are scanning students into the center at the moment in iAccu based on the specific
session that you are scanning the Students into each time. Later you simply change this again based on the next session. To do this
you'll simply update the settings on the iAccu app on the device.
Here's more information on how to set that up in iAccu:
- Login to the iAccu app as a System Admin using your Accudemia credentials.
Once the iAccu app syncs go to the Settings section on the "What do you want to do?" main screen.
- From there go to the Center Based section.

And start by tapping the Center option. Next tap the Selection option and set it to "Fixed". Go back to the previous options by tapping the back arrow (<) in the top-left corner.
Now tap the Fixed option and set it to the Center you want. Then tap the back arrow (<) in the top-left corner to return to the previous options.


Now repeat this process in steps 4-5 for the Tutors as shown below:
- Optionally, repeat this process in steps 4-5 for the Instructors.
Now repeat this process in steps 4-5 for the Subject Areas as shown below:
Now repeat this process in steps 4-5 for the Services as shown below:
- Done! Simply go back using the back arrow (<) in the top-left to go back to the "What do you want to do?" main screen. Now when you scan a Student ID or type it in under the Track Attendance > Center Attendance screen it will not ask you for any selection options as they'll already be pre-selected.