Did you know in Accudemia you can now Schedule Reports to be Sent Automatically?

Did you know in Accudemia you can now Schedule Reports to be Sent Automatically?

In order to schedule a report to go out on a regular interval, first go to the Reports section (the last option in the left-side menu when logged in as a System Admin), next select the report you want and set the filters as you would do to view it normally when pulling the report.  If you have the appropriate permissions, you'll see a new "Schedule Report" button like shown below:

When clicked, you will be guided through a 5-step wizard:

1) Start: Enter a descriptive name of the report you are scheduling. Since this Name will be shown to the user receiving the report, you can use this field to describe what the report is, it's frequency, and how it’s filtered. If you are sending this to other users (e.g., Instructors) then you can for example enter “Last 30 days of your students’ activity” .

2) Schedule: This is where you choose when the report will be sent.  The maximmum frequency is daily to monthly.  finally pick at around what time it will be sent (early morning, morning, afternoon, or evening, etc.).

3) Recipients: Now select who will receive the report. It can be either all active instructors, all active tutors, specific users, yourself or a list of specific email addresses.  If you select all instructors, tutors, or specific users, you can take advantage of dynamic filtering.  That means that each different user will receive a different report filtered by their own account.  See the next step to understand better how it works.

4) Report Options: Enable individual reports for instructors, tutors or students. If you selected to send the report to all instructors, and check the “Send individual email to each instructor”, then each instructor will be able to see only the information associated to his/her account.

NOTE: These dynamic filtering options are only available when the recipients are either all tutors, instructors or specific users. If you selected yourself or entered the email addresses manually, the same report will be sent to all recipients.

5) Review: This is the last step. A summary of the report to be created is presented. Click Finish is everything looks fine.

Once the scheduled report has been saved, you can go to Reports > View Scheduled Reports to delete, activate/deactivate or change the title of a scheduled report. At this time editing an existent report is not available, you would need to delete it and create it again.