Accudemia 7.0 - Did you know that you can now import restrictions or associations for your Center?
In some cases, centers in Accudemia may need to restrict their students to only be allowed to see certain tutors or advisors when coming into their centers and this was not something you could do using the existing Tutor Schedules because students would see all available tutors based on the Service and Subject Area (course) selected. We realized that there was a need to limit these students to only one tutor so we added this ability under the
Administration > Restrictions
section of the main menu in Accudemia. Not only that restriction was added but we also gave you the ability to add another type of restriction/association that would limit the Subject Areas (courses) that would be displayed when a student selected a particular Service. These settings are great if you only have a few associations that need to be made then you can enter them manually. The real issue is when you are dealing with the entire student population and what advisors they should be assigned or maybe even if you have to assign the entire course catalog to a particular service like "writing tutoring" so we added the ability to import these associations or restrictions now using our ADX (Accudemia Data eXchange) import/export utility.
Importing Associations/Restrictions